This simple secret will expose how you can regain perfect health in weeks without drugs or boring diet.

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Who we are

I am Great George Otosin, the Founder and CEO of  Longevity Gold International Limited (LIFE SAVERS). 

Throughout our journey of over 15 years, we have always been at the forefront, pioneering and advocating the need to consume structured/ideal water, which is key in helping people regain and maintain optimum health in few weeks.

The secret I’m about to reveal is something I title, ‘THE LOST SECRET OF HEALTH.‘ This simple yet powerful secret has the potency to help anyone regain perfect health within a few weeks—regardless of how long they’ve been suffering or the name of their ailment.”

🔍 Stay tuned! We’re about to dive deep into how you can reclaim your health naturally and effectively.

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If you know anyone suffering from following conditions, stay tuned, because your search for good health and long life is about to be rewarded with a discovery of a lifetime.

Combining Alkaforce Iomin and Spirulina or immune best is the easiest way to overcome the following challenges in 60 – 90 days:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Low Blood Pressure
  • Auto immune disease
  • Cancer
  • Hepatitis B
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Stroke
  • Fibroids
  • Respiratory diseases like
  • Tuberculosis etc.
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heart Burns
  • Ulcer
  • Low back pain
  • All forms of infertility
  • All forms of infection like Gonorrhea. Syphilis,
  • Meningitis, respiratory tract infection,
  • Low sperm count
  • Depression
  • Abnormal menstrual flow
  • Seized Menstruation
  • Painful menstruation
  • Weak Erection
  • Quick ejaculation


These diseases and many more, In fact, 80% of the misery of humanity are mainly caused by two major factors, which are OVER ACIDITY OF THE BODY or DEFICIENCY OF MINERALS & NUTRIENTS which is majorly linked with the kinds of food and water we consume today.

Some of Our Visits

15+ Years of Bringing good health to people

​Longevity gold team on rescue mission at the Eastern part of Nigeria.

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What you must know

Truth about Diseases

Always remember that every disease aims to take its victim's life no matter how minor the symptoms are.

Evolution of diseases

In the past, diseases like Malaria, typhoid, cholera, and fever were considered deadly, but today, Cancer, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Stroke, and other severe illnesses have emerged and proven to be deadlier.

Why we fall sick

These diseases stem from internal deficiencies (absence of vital minerals and nutrients in the human body) , and it is disheartening that over 95% of the world's population is unaware of this issue.

Let me bring to your attention some discoveries made by renowned experts, one of them was called Dr. Otto Warburg, a German botanist who won a Nobel prize in 1931 for discovering that Diseases only survive when the body is Acidic but No disease can survive when the body is alkalized.

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Another record breaking expert called Dr. Arthur Guyton, who was also nicknamed Medical giant because of his incredible discoveries.

Dr Guyton wrote many books which are still being used today in medical schools, making it clear that “The first step in maintaining health is to alkalize the body” This is why Alkaforce Water Alkalizer is key in helping people regain and maintain optimum health.

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 To this end we introduce our water alkalizing product called “Alkaforce”.

 Alkaforce has consistently served as the umbrella product used by Life savers Organization to improve people’s health.

Alkaforce and its Importance

Alkaforce is a special formula made mostly of water, created through a detailed process. This process produces a concentrated form of structured water that contains small amounts of minerals and is boosted with natural energy.

When you add Alkaforce to filtered water, it changes the water molecules, making it easier for them to enter your cells, resulting in better hydration.

Normally, restructuring water breaks large clusters of water molecules into smaller groups of about 7 to 8 molecules. However, Alkaforce goes further by breaking them down into single molecules. This allows the water to enter the cells one by one, providing maximum hydration. This improved hydration helps the cells flush out stored waste and toxins.

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Iomin and its Importance

Iomin – Natural Mineral Electrolyte Explained

Iomin is a powerful electrolyte made from organic plant complexes. These organic complexes act as the basic “building blocks” that plants use to create nutrients like vitamins, amino acids, and minerals in fruits and vegetables. However, because modern farming practices often result in mineral-deficient soil, much of the food we eat today lacks these essential nutrients. Iomin helps to fill this gap.

How Iomin Works

When added to your drinking water, Iomin improves the water’s quality by making it more hydrating and energizing. It is treated with a special “energizing” process that enhances its benefits. Some people even refer to it as “Liquid Skin in Bottles” because it boosts energy levels naturally, without the side effects of caffeinated drinks.

Iomin is effective not just internally, but also when applied to the skin. It helps relieve aches, pains, and supports the healing process for cuts, burns, bruises, insect bites, and other skin issues. It can also be used to dissolve kidney stones and bone spurs. Some users even apply it as eye drops to improve vision.

The Benefits of Iomin

  • Boosts energy levels: Iomin increases your natural energy without caffeine.
  • Improves hydration: It makes water “wetter” by changing the molecular structure, helping your body absorb water more effectively.
  • Relieves aches and pains: Whether applied topically or taken internally, Iomin helps with muscle and joint pains.
  • Supports digestion: It aids in digestion and helps eliminate digestive problems.
  • Speeds up healing: It helps heal cuts, burns, bruises, and insect bites faster.
  • Enhances immunity: By providing essential nutrients, Iomin helps boost your immune system.
  • Safe for all ages and pets: It’s beneficial for everyone, even animals and plants.


Why Do We Need Iomin?

Due to mineral-depleted soils, the fruits and vegetables we eat today don’t contain the same amount of nutrients they once did. Even organic produce, though grown without chemicals, can lack these minerals. Iomin provides the necessary plant-based “building blocks” that our bodies need for various processes, such as forming proteins and activating enzymes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I put Iomin in water? Yes. You can add Iomin to filtered or bottled water to improve its quality, but never add it to unfiltered tap water. You can also take it directly by holding it under your tongue for 2-5 minutes before swallowing.

2. When should I take Iomin? You can take Iomin anytime, and it works especially well with meals since it aids digestion. However, because it boosts energy levels, avoid taking it right before bedtime if you have trouble sleeping. It’s important to drink water with Iomin throughout the day to replace your body’s water with Iomin-enriched water.

3. Are there any side effects? Iomin is very safe and rarely causes side effects. However, some people may experience mild “detox” symptoms, such as headaches or diarrhea, as their body eliminates toxins.

4. What else can Iomin be used for? Iomin can be used topically for faster healing of wounds, burns, bruises, and insect bites. It’s also great for toothaches, abscesses, and mouth sores. Additionally, it works wonders on pets and plants but should only be applied to plants once every 10 days.

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Immune-Best and its Importance

Immune-Best is made from ancient humates, discovered by an amateur archaeologist in a deep, sealed stone vault, protected from modern pollution. These humates are rich in a wide range of minerals, essential vitamins, and amino acids.

They also contain over 25,000 strains of natural probiotics. These probiotics are protected by the humates, so they aren’t destroyed by stomach acid and remain dormant until mixed with water.

Thanks to the natural humic and fulvic acids, all the nutrients in Immune-Best are easily absorbed by the body. These acids also dissolve minerals in soil, making them water-soluble and easier for plants to absorb. Sadly, these vital nutrients are almost entirely missing from today’s food, even organic foods.

Alkaforce, Iomin, and Immune-Best, known as “The Missing Link,” work together to improve your health. Here’s how:

  • Alkaforce and Iomin: When you add these to your drinking water, they create highly hydrating, cleansing, and alkaline-rich water filled with natural nutrients. This combination helps your body get the healthiest possible water, which is important since our bodies are about 70% water.

  • Immune-Best: This supplement contains 600 mg of prehistoric humates in each capsule. The fulvic and humic acids found in these humates help deliver nutrients to your cells and clear out toxins. Without these acids, your cells can’t function properly.

Together, these three products offer a holistic approach to good health, helping you stay hydrated, nourished, and detoxified.


Spirulina / Chlorella benefits
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Got questions? We’ve got answers

One way to distinguish fake from real is first by saving this number 090- 6733-5576 and sharing with friends and family members.

Make all your enquiries to that contact which would in turn redirect you to contact other locations.

Yes… Alkaforce does not interfere with orthodox drugs. Rather it helps drugs and other supplements give better results to users.

We advise everyone to use for at least 90 days, though most people start getting positive results in two to three weeks of usage, that does not mean that person is fully okay to stop using.

So we advise all persons should keep using so that the body will be completely healed.

Our products are for all ages. Since they are 100% natural and does not have any side effect. From a one year old and above are good to use our products.

No.. many people have called and reported that they are seeing our people in markets and other locations like motor park, street claiming that they came from us. That is a lie. Be careful not to be a victim, we don’t sell these products other than through our platform.

Yes… it’s helps pregnant woman to be free complications, also ease delivery of their babies.

No, they are for all ages and condition. In-fact these products protect you from all forms of disease and stress.

Frequent urination for first 5 to 7 days into usage. This is to help detoxify (remove dirts and all waste from the body), some people experience excessive sweat, may even purge, all these are to help body get rid of waste so that the body can function effectively.

Avoid carbonated drinks like soft drinks , beer, kola-nut, bitter kola, red meats, herbal drinks due to much preservatives, Consume more of fruits and Alkaforce enhanced water.

Importance of ionized/structured water

Experiment of Alkaforce enhanced water on sick Patient

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Dr. Otto Warburg A German botanist who won two Nobel prizes in medicine made an amazing discovery in 1931

"Disease only survive in acidic body, but can not survive in alkaline body."

Dr. Theodore Baroody Author of a book titled "alkalize or die"

“The countless names you give to diseases, does not really matter, what does matter is that all disease come from same root…too much acid in the body.”

Dr Sang Whang An alkaline pioneer made another incredible discovery

"Drinking high pH Alkaline water will definitely help in preventing cancer and Reverse Aging."

Dr. Arthur Guyton The author of a book titled "Medical physiology", whose books are still being used in medical schools.

"The first step in maintaining health is to alkalize the body."

Alkaforce is a powerful solution that helps make your body more alkaline. Along with Iomin and our other great products, it helps improve drinking water by adding important minerals and nutrients, which are essential for natural healing and overall health.

Longevity Gold International also known-as lifesavers foundation is introducing smart solution that can help make water ideal by supplying vital natural ionic minerals and nutrients into water, these minerals and nutrients help the body function more efficiently.

 We understand that everyone’s health needs  differ, so we offer various solutions to help everyone regain their health.

Our mission is to sensitise the suffering masses on the importance of drinking structured ( Alkaforce enhanced ) water, which is key in helping everyone regain and maintain optimum health within 60 – 90days it does not matter the name or the years that person have been suffering from that health challenge.

We have helped thousands of persons regain 
optimum health in
60 - 90 days ,
No matter the name of the Disease/Sickness

Be it Hiv / Aids or Cancer.

Lifesavers is live in Cameroon to extend the mission of saving lives.

Unlock the Fountain of Youth

Discover How to Reverse Aging by 15 Years with the Collagen Anti-Aging Secret for Timeless Beauty

Below are Testimonies of few out of many grateful individuals who have experienced the Healing power of Alkaforce structured water.


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Chronic insomnia defeated

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Testimonies from Benin

Testimonies from Lagos

Staphylococcus of years wiped out

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15 years of Diabetes Reversed after 10 weeks

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Two years of stroke just got improved 7 days later

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Menstral cycle/flow restored

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First time visitor acknowledge testimonies

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Menstral cycle/flow restored

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Bleeding , Heart pain issues all wiped out completely

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Kidney failure restored

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Difficulty in Breathing rectified

Appendicitis, Ulcer and hernia all wiped out  

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Healed of Prostate Cancer after 8 years

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Urinary Muscle not contracting solved

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Waist pain, Athritis and Ulcer wipe away

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My Mother’s BP issues resolved
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Lagos office testimonials

Multiple ailments eradicated

Multiple ailments eradicated

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Strange Sickness since 1964 wiped out in few weeks

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Chronic Diabetes Healed after few weeks

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Diabetes , Fibroid, pains all wiped out 100% 

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Cured of Harmful Bacteria causing embarrassments

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Vindicated from stange condition

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Vindicated from stange condition

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stroke patient healed

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Glycoma totally eradicated in weeks

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Years of Pains Wiped Out Completely

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Unbearable Body pain totally annihilated 

Bladder issues rectified , Energy level heightened

Lifesavers live in Benin

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Testimonies from  Free Product Programme

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pains and other health complications wiped away

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Testimonies from radio station
Big Reveal!

These are our secret solutions which have been
used by people from all works of life.


How to use Alkaforce to restructure your drinking water

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What People are Saying

Veronica Onuora Enugu State

The sickness started since 1964. Some people said I was poisoned. All treatment and medications yielded no fruit. I had severe pains in my bones, knees even moving about was a difficult task. After using Alkaforce alkalized water for 2months, the pains suddenly reduced drastically. Now I can move freely, I can even run. Alkaforce is a life life-giver indeed (Alkaline ozoigbo ndu).

HRH IGWE S. J. IDU Enugu State

I heard about Alkaforce water enhancer all over the radio, I went there to certify myself about the authenticity of the products. I was having constant headache and diabetes. I bought the three products (Alkaforce, Iomin and Immune-best). Since I started using them, for the past 2 months, I have not had any headache. I used to take hard drugs to cool my tension, but that has stopped since I started using the Alkaforce water enhancer.

Chief Sunday Agwu Ude Ebonyi State

I heard about Alkaforce water enhancer on the radio. I was suffering from arthritis. Some of my doctor friends even made drug prescriptions for me which I used for a long time without result. At a point it got so severe that I could not stand up, I could not sleep. I had used many medications both tablets and herbs all to no avail, but thank God I'm free today via these products.

Pastor Charity Uzoamaka Onwe Ebonyi State

I heard about Alkaforce alkaline water on the radio. I decided to give it a trial since I had heard people talking about it before. Since 2012, I was having serious pains on my chest which later resulted to several cough and serious pain under my breast. I could hardly move around. After using Alkaforce alkaline water for 3 weeks, the pains were gone. Even the pains I had on my legs which were not the actual reason I used the Alkaforce subsided miraculously.

Dennis Agom Ebonyi State

My health challenge was diabetes. I suffered it for 15 years. I had gone to India for treatment for 6months but I was not properly healed. I decided to give Alkaforce alkaline water a trial. I went to their office to buy it. Since I started using it, my health had improved. If I had the money, I could even buy it in large quantity for me and my household.

Eze-Ogwa Ebonyi State

I heard about Alkaforce alkaline water from the radio. I used to have poor vision, waist pain and difficulty in movement. I had suffered this condition for 13 years. I drank Alkaforce alkaline water for 3 weeks and the pains stopped. Now I can see clearer and move about easily without assistance.

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